Rama: “Justice, the final step towards the EU. We are ready to vote it”

23/04/2016 10:25

The National Assembly of the Socialist Party gathered this Saturday,
with PM Edi Rama focusing his speech on the justice reform. He sees it
as the key of all doors, since every efforts for improving the rule of
law would be futile without it.

“The reform has created artificial tension. The deadline is getting closer. This reform is the last step for the EU door”, Rama said.

The Prime Minister underlined that the condition of the EU is to pass the reform before the parliamentary summer holidays. He emphasized that his government is ready to vote it as soon as possible. “If it was for us, we would pass it in a few days”, Rama declared.

Rama added that his government has realized a record number of reforms during these three years: “More reforms tha ever before, in such a short time. The territorial-administrative reform, the fiscal reform, etc”, Rama said.

“We reduced taxes for 97% of Albanian citizens. We are looking for an economic growth of 3.4%, but we are happy if we stay above 3%”, Rama said, focusing on education and health reforms.

PM Edi Rama considered the internal referendum as a democratic process within its party that will also serve to the future.

“The referendum was an excellent democratic instrument, with an encouraging participation. What happened gives us motivation to progress”, Rama declared.

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