Rama: Judiciary, full of corrupted judges

23/06/2014 00:00

The Albanian PM, Edi Rama, declared that what happened during this week
in the “Republic of Shame”, Lazarat, was a progress for the government.
Considering the fight against crime as a priority, and the success in
Lazarat as a turning point, Rama declared that this makes Albania go
faster towards the creation of an European police.

The Prime Minister thanked the Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, and criticized MPs who didn’t support him.

“I was able to notice the qualities of our Interior Minister on the most difficult hours. He kept his calm ad trust even in the hardest times. Saimir Tahiri deserves our gratitude for adding values not only to the police, to our political family, but he also deserves the apologies of MPs who didn’t do their duty as MP, which is supporting every minister that succeeds”, Rama declared.

Rama dedicated most of the speech to the challenge in which the governing coalition will focus, reforms and justice.

“The Gate Mahmutaj of Lazarat, with weapons on his hands and sacks full of drug in his house, is no one when compared with the Gates of the judiciary, who have the judge’s hammer and make sacks full of money by freeing criminals like Gate. Judges become part of murders and tragedies by freeing these people, but they must know that we are ready to face them at any cost”, Rama declared.

Rama sent a strong message to the Prosecutor General.

”The Prosecutors who have taken a lot of time from this country to delay the crimecases of high-rank officials, or by bringing only low results, they must know that they will not be able to hide from their responsibilities. The operation of Lazarat has increased the people’s expectancies to us. Our people, in the middle of Europe, deserves to have rule of law and justice”, Rama declared.

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