“The Albanian Prime Minister, former painter, former journalist and
three times Mayor of Tirana, attended a visit in Milan, Italy, to
attract businesses: ‘We offer possibilities. Our objective is to
modernize Albania and enter the European Union’”.
This is how the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica” introduces Edi Rama for an interview, underlining that the Albanian Prime Minister offers support to the Italian businessmen to see our country as a good investment opportunity.
According to the newspapers, the Prime Minister tells with a perfect Italian what Albania has to offer, which is the geographic vicinity and low cost of labor.
When asked about the answers of the Italian investors, Rama declared that there was high interest, because from one side there is the desire of the Italian enterprises to become international, and on the other hand is the fact that Albania is an economic reality not yet explored and which offers important stimulus for business.
According to Rama, Albania is a new land to be explored by the Italian business world, who have already understood this and they are increasing contacts.
There are Italian companies in Albania that have been here since the country’s democratic turn. However, for Rama, these are not sufficient. Especially when you think what happens in other former communist countries in Europe.
Rama says that this must change, and he mentions the fact that they are cooperating with other countries too, but the main objective remains Italy, due to the cultural, linguistic and geographic vicinity.
The offer of the Prime Minister refers more to the companies that operate in the hydro-electric field, since Albania has large water reserves, coming second in Europe after Norway.
But the focus is also on the manufacture enterprises and the tourist industry. In another interview for ANSA, the Italian news agency, the Prime Minister says that Albania may be a new horizon for the Italian investments.
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