Rama invites Chinese investors: “Albania offers opportunities”

27/10/2015 12:55

Prime Minister Edi Rama started his three-day visit in Hong-Kong by
being part of a business forum, with the presence of 100 businessmen
from Hong Kong and China, who showed their interest to invest in our
country and increase the trade exchange.

“Today’s activity offers the platform to discuss about the current and future investments of our country, because our government aims to enlarge the investment agenda with businesses from Hong Kong and China”, Rama declared.

The Prime Minister said the Albanian government is committed to reform the economic development model based on true development sources, starting from oil and minerals, energy, tourism, agriculture and productivity.

Rama said that investing in Albania means investing in a wider market area, since it is part of Western Balkans.

“Until some time ago it was impossible to imagine this area as a joint market, but today it is a joint market. As regards taxes and costs, we are in a favorable position. The labor cost remains low in Albania. I want to share with you an interesting and encouraging growth figure. We have returned to a systematic growth trend. Last year we reached 2.1%. By the end of the year we plan to reach 2.7%-3%, which is certainly not enough for our economy, but it is very encouraging if we see it as part of a trend or as part of the projection that will be consolidated in the years to come”, the Prime Minister declared.

“Our main purpose is to make Albania attractive for and create a unique tourist market for visitors from China”, Rama said.

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