Rama invites American-Albanians

27/09/2013 00:00

“Let’s change our strategy and not be defeated by the difficulties”.
This is the message that Prime Minister Edi Rama has opened his first
speech with the “APEN” association, an organization of Albanian
professionals of high education and notable jobs in New York.

In this meeting the Prime Minister was together with his wife, Linda Rama. By asking for more commitment from the Albanians who have left their mark in the countries where they work and where they have built professional careers, Rama declared that the change that Albania and the Albanians expect cannot be made by one single person.

“One of the biggest and unexploited powers during all these years is that of the Albanians who live abroad, which in thousands of different roads has in fact been based on one direction: their talent and good will”, Rama declared.

The Prime Minister’s appeal to all Albanians who live abroad was to join forces and knowledge in a common road.

“We need to find thousands of ways to join our forces. Each of you in the path of our country, so that you can contribute in Albania not only as much as you contribute today, by giving dignity to our country’s name, but also by giving to Albania some of your knowledge”.

Surprised by the desire of the Albanian associations in the United States to contribute directly to Albania, by giving lectures, making oeprations and helping with the legislation, Prime Minister Rama declared that this can be done even by others, since a big question for the new government is the fact that the investments of the American-Albanians in our country are still symbolical.

“We will do everything possible to have after four years some good examples to show that not only it is possible, but it is even desirable to have more investments from the Albanians of America, for Albania to be the country where every Albanian makes successful businesses. Albania can do what each of you has done individually”, Rama underlined in one meeting.

“Let’s give dignity to our selves, the family and our country”, Rama declared, expressing the determination that Albania can do this, and Albania will do this, and all members of our family must do something. Together we must build a common strategy to bring forward the dream of a country that will be our pride not only for Fan Noli and Faik Konica. Not only for what we can offer from the past, but also by what we do in the present, so that the future can be better”.

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