In a meeting with bank leaders in Albania, the Prime Minister designate,
Edi Rama, expressed the need to build a mediative structure between the
government and the business world.
“It is a fact that today we have a quarter of the loans considered bad loans. We need to take the necessary steps to overcome a situation that doesn’t need to get worse.
By announcing the establishing of the National Economic Council, in which bankers will be a key presence, Rama underlined that the Socialist Party program does not exhaust the need for a full audit of the governing system.
“We have asked an international audit company to help us with the truth. It is a deep crisis and fortunately it hasn’t exploded yet in the citizens’ homes”, Rama declared.
The governor of Bank of Albania, Ardian Fullani, underlined that the Albanian economy is facing great cyclic and structural challenges.
“Facing the challenges requires an optimistic and long-term vision. It is key to preserve the macro-economic stability and follow stimulating policies”, Fullani declared. The governor added that a necessary condition for this is keeping the macro-economic balances.
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