After the Pope left Albania, the Prime Minister held a press conference,
in which he valued that the inter-religious co-existence is a treasury
for Albania. He expressed pride for what had been realized in this
historic day for Albania.
“We all made possible for this to be an extraordinary day”, Rama declared.
The government leader underlined that co-existence between religious is very important, and it attracted the attention of all the world.
“Ths visit of a religious world leader in Albania, a world flag-holder in the fight against prejudice, and his reception with such enthusiasm by Christians and Muslims in Albania, is a real miracle”, Rama underlined.
Rama declared that it was difficult to imagine such a reception in a country like ours, where religion was banned and its representatives were prosecuted and killed.
Rama valued that the image of religious leaders from other communities in Albania for receiving the Pope showed the treasury of this country.
“The Albanian miracle is that of having a huge treasury, inter-religious co-existence”, Rama declared.
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