Rama in Bulqize promotes first Arber Road tunnel

08/06/2015 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister and Minister of Finances, Shkelqim Cani,
inspected the first tunnel of the Arber Road that has been concluded.
They declared that after a few months will start the most important
investment for Bulqize and the entire Diber District, the Arber Road.

“This significant work, which was funded and realized in a record time, shows how much we would have been done if we didn’t have a mountain of debts to pay. This tunnel gives a clear message to Diber, that the Arber Road is not anymore just an electoral ghost. This is a reality for which we are working hard. We have guaranteed funding for the most difficult part, with one of the biggest Chinese companies”, Rama declared.

“The work for the second tunnel, much longer than this one, will start by autumn. This is the main promise that we have given for the Diber District”, Minister Cani declared.

Another kept promise, according to the government, is setting the retirement age for miners at 55, and making the deep well that to supply water for 24 hours a day, from six that it used to be.

Rama says that Bulqize, the town of miners, left in oblivion for the past 25 years and mentioned only in case of fatal incidents, is now a transformed reality.

The Xhevdet Doda school which had no investments since 1990, has now green areas, elevators for the disabled, summer and winter gyms, sport fields and central heating system.

The new Bulqize road is another ongoing investment, while the pedestrian road of the town will be a green recreation area for citizens with new lighting, sidewalks and parks.

Prime Minister Rama visited the ferro-chrome enriching factory, whose leaders say that the VAT removal for import machineries and the reduction of the mining rent has allowed new investments which might add 60 other workers to the current staff of 120.

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