Rama: In 300 days, revolution in education

30/07/2014 00:00

“In 300 days we laid the foundations of a revolution in the Albanian
education, by expressing the good will to democratize schools, by
closing the chapter of their politicization and by undoing the
deficiency criteria in the state graduation”, declared the Albanian
Prime Minister, Edi Rama, for the balance of the first 300 days of the
Ministry of Education,underlining that by ending the altertext they have
ended chaos in the education system.

“We intervened in the entire cancerous system of books, a system that has generated year after year horrible consequences for the level of education of children and youth. 120 book titles have been removed after a wide consultation with all teachers. The revolution with the texts will continue and the altertext will be over very soon, as a failed experiment that produced only chaos”, Rama declared.

The Prime Minister underlined the unification of the teaching curricula with Kosovo for the pre-university education, in order to have the same standard in both Albanian countries.

The Prime Minister mentioned the reform of the Higher Education, which, according to him, will be based on merit by creating a financial autonomy and by encouraging competition between public and private universities. Rama also noted that currently Albania has eight times more universities than the Great Britain.

“There will be zero tolerance for the deficiency of this greedy system that has taken the money of parents to produce an industry of greed with valueless diplomas and for making Albania the most ridiculous country for this sector. We will not hesitate to chose those who deserve to go further and exclude those who need to be excluded from the system”, Rama declared.

He added that by December they will start accrediting universities based on the EU standards. “In December 1990 we demanded freedom and democracy. We demanded competition, merit and EU integration. In December, one of the most prestigious international agencies will start accrediting the education institutions, may they be private or state run”, Rama declared.

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