Rama: Government withholding Kosovo’s power supply

17/04/2012 00:00

The Socialist leader, Edi Rama, accused the Albanian government of
withholding the project for Kosovo’s power supply, referring to the
Kosovo media which relate the project’s blocking with the Albanian Prime

“The blocking of this project is putting obstacles to Kosovo’s energy independence. I propose an interpellation with the Prime Minister, in order to unblock the project. The government must guarantee the realization of this project as soon as possible”, Rama declared at the Socialist Parliamentary meeting.

Rama declared that he expects no sincere answers from the Prime Minister, but he underlined that while this project should have been finished by now, this initiation is being withheld by blocking a great and generous donator like Germany, according to Rama.

“We know it very well how this state functions, with its own interests. The Prime Minister doesn’t think about the national interest, when the greed of his own people is in play”, Rama declared.

Rama expressed his trust that the Socialist Parliamentary group will strongly engage in the debate for the fiscal structures and excises.

“The crisis has slowed the economy down, and the country’s public finances are lower, putting the Albanian families in hard difficulties. We are really facing an economical collapse as it has never happened before”, Rama declared, underlining that with the blindness of today’s government and their adventurous policies, there is only further destruction.

“A radical return of the economic policies is a necessity that is guaranteed only by our project for an Albanian rebirth”, Rama declared.

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