The office of the new Prime Minister, Edi Rama, made available for the
Parliament Members and the diplomatic body accredited in Tirana, 24
hours before the new government is voted by the parliament, the detailed
program of Alliance for European Albania for the 2013-2017 mandate.
“Next Generation Albania” is the motto of this program that will accompany the Rama government during his mandate, based on three pillars: Law, Responsibility, Solidarity.
The program of the new government, a copy of which has been secured by Top Channel’s journalist, Muhamed Veliu, starts with an introduction of Edi Rama, who says that he is proud for the trust that an unusual majority of voters invested on the Alliance for European Albania.
“With the discussion and confirmation of this program in Parliaemnt, we start our confrontation with the difficult reality of an Albania that is deeply wounded in the heart and mind by a widespread ruin”.
“Freedom for the people and competition; making everyone accountable before the country and the law and solidarity with the weak will be the basic principles of the new government since our conviction is simple: Albania deserves more.”
The five detailed chapters of this program are: Integration in the European Union, European Albania in the region and the world, rule of law and democratization of the society, economic development and public service.
1) In the chapter for the rule of law and democratization of the society, the new government of Mr.Rama comes with the ambition to bring the State Police back to its duty and guarantee public and order by controlling the territory, by reducing the crime rates, and even the normalization of the road traffic by taking measures that could avoid bad accidents.
2) Property safety in this program has a special place where the Rama government wants to implement the return and compensation of the private properties, with the construction of the legalization agency and by orienting the public asset privatization process towards the compensation of former owners.
3) The new government is committed to mobilize all technical, human and financial resources for changing the page of the rule of law in Albania, so that it can be according to the standards and expectancies of a country that aspires for the European Union. To achieve this, the new government is committed to undertake a radical long-termed and comprehensive reform for reestablishing the integrity of the judiciary, and that of the justice system institutions. This judiciary reform contains the law amends for the organization and functionality of the High Council of Justice, the law amend for the Constitutional Court, the law amend for the Penal Code and including the creation of a strategy against corruption in the justice system.
4) Immediate intensification of war against corruption by dismantling the wall of impunity and that of the untouchable. To realize this is needed prevention, raised awareness and punishment. These three elements will be implemented by the Rama government through the planning of a national strategy and action plan against corruption within the first year, and by implementing it effectively in the years to come.
5) The Rama government program focuses on matters related to the media. “AMA and the Albanian Public Television are flagrant examples when the law is not implemented under the Democratic Party government, and that AMA is completely political and impartial, same as in most cases the government advertisements are not shared based on the market value, but based on corruptive connections that the government had with TV channels and newspapers. For this situation to change, the government program foresees turning the public media to a decent representative of the Albanian tax payer, plans to improve the legal standards for journalists by giving them quick access to the taking of information, objective, transparent and non-discriminating criteria for licensing, including a change of the AMA structure, which today is political, in favor to professional performance, in order to offer to all local and national broadcasters an equal treatment in front of the law.
6) The new economic model for the new government means “guaranteeing a stable growth by identifying new sources that feed the economy, or replacing some of the current growth sources so that in short-termed and mid-termed periods they can contrivute less than now. Maximal focus to the producing policies, especially in energy, industry and agriculture, by supporting the encouragement of exports; caution with the financial stability and the exploitation of the human capital in our country.
7) The Rama government is committed through this program to create 300.000 new jobs, 40.000 for the producing industry, 12.000 jobs connected to these, 15.000 connected to the sea industry, 155.000 with agriculture, 62.000 through reforms and social assistance programs, 11.000 through tourism and 4000 through technology and information.
8) By considering education as one of the best economic policies that guarantee development, the government of Mr.Rama aims that the public financing for this sector will be 5% of the Gross Domestic Product, by ending this way teaching in shifts in school, and by also creating the school performance card.
9) “Our challenge is to return to the citizens the lost trust to the health services and by giving them the deserved protection through a health system and with a universal coverage, and to create the necessary conditions for professionals to act with quality”, says the chapter for health, which foresees a removal of VAT for medical goods starting in 2014; building a National Health Service that will be the only one who will pay for the health care, and by guaranteeing that no one will face financial obstacles. The health care will be financed by general taxes and the Medicine Control Center, which will turn into the National Agency of Medicaments and Health Materials.
The program also has the CV-s of all Rama cabinet ministers.
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