Rama for Sky News: “We don’t want a confederation, but we aspire the EU”

26/04/2016 21:55

After the editorial of Prime Minister Rama for “The Times”, “Sky News”
realized a live interview from Tirana on the political show “Tonight” of
Adam Boulton.

PM Edi Rama was asked about the debates spurred in Britain by the Minister of Justice, Michael Gove, who suggested that Britian could abandon its partnership with Europe and replace it outside the EU, with countries like Albania.

“Knowing and respecting the intelligence of Mr.Gove, I was surprised. It seemed weird to me that Mr.Gove was talking for this kind of confederation, and for a model, that we a model that we Albanians don’t like to have as a model of relations with the EU – we want to be part of the EU, we don’t want to suffer out of the EU the different conditions that this kind of situation. It seems weird that the country of Churchill, one of the most extraordinary societies in Europe and in the world, is involved in debates for leaving or staying in the EU, by forgetting basic things like the fact that the EU was built as a huge project of peace”, Rama said.

Adam Boulton asked the Prime Minister why Albania wants so much to join the EU when Greece entered a crisis?

“The truth is not so simple. The EU is a driving force for reforms. Look at the Balkans and at my country, look at Serbia. If Greece suffered what it suffered, it is not because EU is crushing with the economy and population, but because the reforms were not yet accomplished, and in the reform process there were many false and untruthful things they told themselves and then they had to face”, Rama said.

As for the fear of the British people of a possible wave of Albanians in Britain, Rama answered:

“You will not have billions of Albanians flying towards the British skies like in Sci-Fi movies. Albanians, Serbs and everyone else in the region has a free visa regime that allows them to move freely to Europe. You may ask Germans, the French or the Danish if they have been invaded by Albanian eagles attacking the population. This is senseless. I cannot understand how your society could be oriented to this childish debate”, Rama declared.

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