The Albanian Prime Minister warned business owners and company leaders
who don’t pay insurance for their workers that they will be prosecuted.
This phenomenon is intolerable and must come to an end. Rama gave this declaration during a conference organized for the Social Service Covenant. Rama declared that the numbers of insured employees this year is positive, due to the increased number of formalization.
“The formalization of employees is very important. We have numbers that we haven’t seen even in the most optimistic dreams. 81.352 young people have been employed. Many have been employed recently thanks to a supportive employment scheme, and others are simply not working anymore without insurance. This is a considerable figure to reinforce the employment base in our country. I have heard some say that no new jobs are created, but the fact is that there are 81.352 new employees. In the language of the normal world, these are cold jobs. Working without insurance is punished by law. For this reason, the law amends will make company leaders and even workers to be criminally prosecuted”, Rama declared.
The Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Erion Veliaj, appealed the 184 Democratic Party communes to not delay the payments to the categories in need. He said that the funds have been given and there is no reason for the money to be stalled for political reasons.
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