Rama: “Bureau” draft will pass with simple majority. Berisha: “It’s against venice draft”

11/02/2016 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, declared that the draft for the
National Bureau of Investigation has been agreed with the Democratic
Party. He warned that the Bureau will pass with simple majority in
Parliament, but the DP experts have been included by the international
community in this draft.

Rama asked his political opponent, Sali Berisha, to express their stance about the Bureau, and said that the DP is putting their international partners in a difficult position.

Berisha declared that the variant passed by the Government is not the one that the opposition had agreed to. He said that the justice reform is necessary, and the opposition is more interested than anyone for a rule of law.

The visit of the US Secretary in Tirana was another point of debate between Rama and Berisha. Berisha said that Rama’s government should show its gratitude to the USA and shelter more Iranian mujahedeen fighters.

Another debate between Berisha and the Deputy Prime Minister, Niko Peleshi, was the creation of four regional development agencies. Peleshi said that the project includes four development areas, and Korce would be the regional see for the region Korce-Elbasan-Berat.

The former Prime Minister accused Peleshi of bringing the Rama model to the regional city of Korce, and that the entire budget was used for offices.

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