Rama: Berisha, which one is mafia?

18/04/2012 00:00

The Socialist leader appealed the Prime Minister to remove the
corruption block from this project, and not bring another shame on our
country, which has a strategic interest for this important project.

Edi Rama declared in a press conference that the Albanian Prime Minister accused the Kosovo media of revealing the scandal with the Kosovo-Albania power line.

“The German Bank only aims transparency. The dirt on Berisha’s hands can be seen from far away, but when you come closer to the entire documentation, you can hardly watch the arbitrary and arrogant position of the Albanian government”, Rama declared.

Rama appealed Berisha to specify which one he called a mafia in his declaration about this tender, since the only parts involved are the German Bank and his government.

“The Prime Minister spoke about the mafia, accusing ‘de facto’ the big KFW Bank as mafia spokesperson, which represents the interests of the powerful and generous donator of Albania, Germany, and the Kosovo newspaper ‘Zeri’ that published facts based on the official correspondence between the German Bank and the Albanian Government, and certainly, the opposition that raised the voice against him for defending the national and public interests of Albania and Kosovo”, Rama declared.

“I don’t know if the mafia has entered the party of his coalition, the Minister of which kept a different stance to the Prime Minister. But this is something that they need to resolve within each other and decide which one is with the mafia and who has the national interest as a priority in this case. The Prime Minister spoke about the offered price of the winning company, and claimed that the opposition is defending the offer with a highest price, while the truth is that we defend the fact that the blocking of this project is against the national and public interests. We base our opposition on his claims about the highest price to the technically correct stance of the German Bank, which has clearly set the criteria based on the technical evaluation of the offer than the price”, Rama declared.

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