Rama at the Recycling Association: “Our law is different”

26/09/2016 00:00

The Albanian PM, Edi Rama, met this Monday with representatives of the
Recycling Association, in which he declared that the new law published
this month in Parliament is not the same with the one repealed in 2013.

Rama listed three points that make his law different:

“The law that we repealed would allow the import of materials that could not be recycled. Secondly, it would allow everyone to be licensed to import waste materials. Thirdly, it was applied in a very unstable context”, Rama said.

According to him, the law now recognizes structured industrial recycling subjects to buy renewable imports.

“This is the essence. Everything else is speculation”, Rama said, underlining that before passing the new law, Albania was the only country in Balkan and Europe that didn’t recognize local recycling factories to buy raw material and import it.

“This law makes Albania respect Directive 1013 of the EU on managing renewable waste materials. This is a step that can only do good for the public and brings a new energy in an industry that we want to develop, since we cannot imagine a cleaner Albania without it”, Rama declared.

Rama said that the claims that Europe would bring its waste materials in Albania is a complete lie, because the current law is even more limiting than in Kosovo, Montenegro and Croatia.

He explained that “Europe sells these waste materials because they are renewable and can turn into a product. There is a 273 million EUR investment for establishing the recycling structures”.

To avoid abuses, according to Rama, all inspectorates and trained staff will be working with this industry, which will be managed through the public-private partnership.

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