Rama at the EBRD summit: “Albania, a new economic development model”

22/02/2016 11:45

PM Edi Rama spoke today at the EBRD summit that is being held in London.
Rama said that Albania has started a process of economic development,
thanks to the new model that his government has put into function.

“Albania is undergoing an economic transformation. Today’s model is based mainly on experts, while the recent one on imports and remittances”, Rama declared.

He underlined that when he took power in 2013, he started working with a very small economic growth.

“Today it is 2.7%, and we expect it to reach 3%”, Rama said.

The PM noted that another factor that is influencing positively is the energy reform, which, according to him, has been praised by the international partners as a main contributor for the budget.

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