Rama answers to Basha’s letter

12/07/2014 00:00

The leaders of the majority and opposition are exchanging letters again for the same matter, that of the territorial reform.

After the local electors of the opposition updated the Prime Minister with the resolution in which they expressed their stance about this reform, Edi Rama answered with another letter, in which he had attached the explanation of the responsible Minister, Bledi Cuci.

The answer shows that nothing has changed and the parties are keeping their known stances, in which the government takes in consideration the opposition’s proposition to start the work with the decentralization.

The government says that with the support of partners, they have fulfilled all the principles, by noting that decentralization is a constant process. This means that by following the best international practice, the decentralization package will be the next work phase.

Rama emphasizes in this letter the government’s determination to conclude everything before July 31st. Until then, the Prime Minister says he is ready to meet with the opposition and find the best path for joining forces and approve the territorial-administrative reform by the end of the month.

This letter was sent this Tuesday, but two other events have taken place since then. The opposition decided to abandon the Parliament on Thursday, while the Party of Justice, Integration and Unity, so far in opposition, became part of the Parliamentary Reform for the territorial administrative reform.

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