The lbanian Prime Minister published on Facebook the National Service
results through the employment offices, saying that the number of new
jobs reaches 43.879 by the end of June.
“The employment offices for 2014 have announced 17.651 new jobs, and are intermediating for 9100 others”, Rama declared, adding that 2.7 million USD have been used this year for encouraging employment. Through this post Rama also attacks the opposition.
“The slander and offenses are ingredients of the repulsive dish that is prepared each day at the Democratic Party, and which is then distributed through sad waiters in order to feed ignorance and discontent. This only makes the government stronger in its steadfast effort to change Albania once and for all”, Rama concluded his post.
Right after this post, the opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, replied on Facebook: “Vulgarity and indecent vocabulary accompanied by today’s lie. This is our Prime Minister. No new jobs, just thousands of people fired due to higher taxes and illegal actions of the government. A weak economy, an uncertain future… that’s the truth that affects today every Albanian”, the DP leader declared.
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