Rama and Basha debate on social networks about oil price

22/01/2015 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister has been involved with the debates of the recent days about the oil price through a Facebook post.

“No one is saying that the price was reduced by the government, but the fact is that the price was reduced. We pay for oil today 20% less than one year ago”, Rama declared.

Rama said that the comparison with the strongest economies of Europe is not right. “Whoever makes these comparisons, doesn’t understand that the Albanian economy has just started to come out of a very deep pit. We can only recover it with the contribution of everyone”, Rama underlined.

“This government was made to create a rule of law, to guarantee that everyone will respect the law and will pay obligations, from electricity to lights. Other governments are following the old politics or make debates that take you to nowhere”, he continued.

The opposition leader called Rama’s declaration lies, and said that the Albanian people are experiencing every day what he is doing.

“Rama promised to reduce the energy price, but he increased it. He promised to reduce the oil price and to pay for its subvention, but increased it to the highest level in Balkan and Europe”, Basha declared.

The Democratic Party leader invited citizens to join the biggest civil protest this Monday at 11:00, by blocking the traffic for 5 minutes throughout the country.

There have been reactions from both parties party headquarters, through MPs Voltana Ademi and Ervin Bushati.

“We cannot accept that the Albanian people keep being the black sheep of the region and of Europe, with the highest oil price, just because Rama established a tax”, Ademi declared.

“In eight years, the Democratic Party never asked why the Albanian people were paying the oil price more than anyone else. The price has now dropped at 165 ALL per liter. The DP should be the last to mention this”, Bushati declared.

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