Rama: Albanian rebirth will end destruction

24/03/2012 00:00

Berat was the next stop for the opposition leader, Edi Rama, where he
distributed 400 member cards to the new opposition members.

Same as in the past meetings with the young people, Rama appealed for more of them to join and contribute in the Socialist Party, for enabling an Albanian rebirth.

“The motive of this unification is to end further destruction once and for all”, Rama declared.

Rama gave the message that the two main political parties are not alike, and that only Berisha has interest to say that everyone is equal.

“We hear each day that everyone is the same, nothing ever changes. You must know that this is not true, but I will not make it a long speech and explain why it is untrue. If there is a man or a group of people who are interested for this mentality to be installed in everybody’s mind, that person is the Prime Minister and the ones who govern. When they took the first mandate, because they stole the second, they told the Albanians that they would govern with clean hands, and many Albanians believed them, although they never saw their hands”, Rama declared.

Rama mentioned the reasons why both parties are not the same.

“Our visions are not the same. It is not the same trying to give an opportunity to the Albanian rebirth, and accepting further destruction. It is not the same as fighting for real employment and surrendering in front of the unstoppable unemployment increase. It is not the same using a honest tax system and a flat tax that damages the poor people and suffocates those who live with only one wage, in the public or private sector. Even more important is the fact that you are not the same”, Rama declared.

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