Rama after voting of Vetting Law: “The corrupted of our justice system took a message today”

30/08/2016 00:00

“The cast of corrupted and incriminated justice members took a very
clear message today. The will of the majority was confirmed! That will
is to give this country the justice that has been denied for so many
years! We are ending a shameful part of the history that stained Albania
and demoralized our citizens for years, the history of justice being
bought as common good”, Rama said after the voting of the vetting law,
which is the core of the justice reform.

As for the opposition’s boycott, Rama said that the majority had the votes since the beginning and yet they waited for the opposition to find common language. “But the opposition did what they always do, acting as if they want this reform, but truth is they don’t want it”, Rama said.

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