Radical changes in education

07/07/2014 00:00

Higher education reform seems that it will make radical changes to the
education system of Albania. The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama,
mentioned some details of this change, and although he spoke about
presenting a final draft for the reform of higher education, he gave
some clear messages for the path that education will follow in our

Rama declared that the ENKA agency will complete the ranking and accrediting of all universities, part of which might close if they don’t fulfill the criteria.

“One of the most prestigious international companies has started the preparations for an evaluation of all universities. It will be finalized in December. We should not be surprised if by December we will have similar results to the state maturity tests of high school before entering universities, or even more shocking results”, Rama declared.

Another message was for the unification of school texts. Rama declared that the Alter-Text scheme will close, since it is just a profit scheme for some publishing houses.

“We will end the creation of texts just for profits and without any filter, without any scientific institution that certifies them, and without any moral or historic responsibility to an entire generation, that has been damaged by this group of ignorant leaders who have usurped power in scientific institutions”, Rama added.

The key of the new law for the higher education remains the funding of universities, which will be monitored by the National Agency of Financing, whose board will be approved by the Ministry of Education, after being proposed by senates.

“This board veils upon the financial welfare, decided about the usage of funds while the budget is approved by the department. We have constantly underlined that everything starts with the department, it is approved at the respective academic structures and up to the senate, but this board sees how these funds will be used, how these finances will be used. Our universities need a financial and academic responsibility, and these things are divided”, declared professor Arjan Gjoncaj.

Although the draft foresees higher fees, for bachelor students without economic possibilities, the government will pay not only the fee, but will also provide a scholarship.

“For the first time it has been suggested that the fees and expenses of students in need will be covered by the government for the bachelor level. It will also support students coming from categories without economic opportunities, from families who sacrifice to see their children grow better, and who invest those few savings”, declared the Minister of Education and Sport, Lindita Nikolla.

The government leader declared that scholarships will be granted to those students who will follow some programs that the country so much needs.

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