The two candidates for the leadership of the Democratic Party, Eduard
Selami and Lulzim Basha, were both in Dibra today as part of their
Selami said that the Democratic Party is less democratic than before, and an example, for him, was the list made by Lulzim Basha without consulting any structure.
“Look at the list. There are many honored people who would have won if they had fair competition. But this list is not legitimate. The list is a competence o the National Council, not of the party leader. It should have started from you. You should be the ones making the recommendations”, Selami said.
Eduard Selami mentioned the fragile future of the Democratic Party, mentioned as part of the Rama-Basha agreement.
“Most of the electorate doesn’t want to govern with the Socialist Party. I am against this agreement. If the structure decides to make coalition, I would be against. I will hand over the mandate, even though I will be with the Democratic Party”, Selami said.
Lulzim Basha didn’t speak about this, but he accused Rama of buying the second ruling term.
“This is a fictive majority, because it doesn’t represent the will of the Albanian people. It reflects what has been proven today as death of our democracy”, Basha said.
So far, Basha has not mentioned what his mistakes were, but he was ready to reflect.
“Who knows how to accept his mistakes, has the will to correct them. I have this will, together with you. Together with the democrats who are ready to fight for a change, not for posts. I ask you today to continue this battle. I’m not offering you privileges or favors. I come to ask you to continue our battle”, Basha said, adding that the only way for this is unification.
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