Pustec churches stolen

16/02/2015 00:00

The churches of the Pustec commune have been targeted by thieves, who
have not only taken valuable objects, but have also caused considerable
damage while breaking in the church.

The bells of four churches, Saint Nicholas, Saint George, Saint Peter and Saint Vasil, were all stolen within a few nights. Robbers have taken even rugs from the ground.

The most recent robbery was recorded in the Lajthiza village, the Saint Vasili church, where thieves have broken in through a small window. They opened the door from inside, stole the bell and destroyed everything else.

The Priest and church curator say that this is not the first case, and despite the appeals, nothing has been done for getting the authors.

The Saint Vasili church was built in XVIII and was rebuilt a few years ago. In 10 years it has been damaged by thieves five times in total.

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