The Court has not given a verdict yet about the case of the former
President of the Puka Court, Shtjefen Lleshi, and the former Chief
Prosecutor of Puka, Pellumb Prenci, who were involved in a bribe scandal
that was revealed by Top Channel’s investigative program, “Fiks Fare”.
Meanwhile, investigators are looking to involve other people in this
A meeting of the Prosecution that was discussing the discharging of Prosecutor Pellumb Prenci has brought other surprises.
One source from the Council told Top Channel that Pellumb Prenci, who is being tried at the Shkoder Court, has tried to justify his actions to his colleagues by saying that he tried to resolve the case illegally to please a request made by an official at the Prosecution General.
When Prenci was asked about who was the official that requested that favor, he made the name of the Chief Audit at the Prosecution General, Thoma Janko. This was enough for the meeting to stop and notify the Prosecutor General, who suspended Janko and started an investigation against him.
The Prosecutor General asked the other Prosecutors to never stay silent if they find out about interventions by their colleagues.
The Puka Justice scandal was made public by Top Channel’s “Fiks Fare”, and now there are nine people under investigation.
The Court of First Instance found Defrim Prenci guilty and sentenced him to one year in prison. Lawyers Fran Dashi and Fariz Xhurxhi were sentenced to one year in prison; Meliha Kukaj was sentenced to 18 months and Liljana Shkjau to 14, both accused of passive corruption.
The two leaders of the Puka Prosecution, Pellumb Prenci and the former Chief Judge of Puka are still being tried.
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