All civil employees will be scrutinized by the Public Administration
Department for verifying if they have been involved in any crime.
9000 employees have been scanned, based on the new civil employee service. Albania Kociu, Director of the Public Administration Department, gave an interview for Top Channel:
“Every civil employee will have his own file. For this reason, the Public Administration Department has that are now part of the new Civil Service law. Some of them do not fulfill the criteria for becoming part of the Civil Service and the Public Administration, and they have to be let go. We have 120 employees that don’t have the right higher education. We have 170 employees who have been hired after the Civil Service law entered in effect. Their relations are illegal, and if they want to complete the criteria, they are invited to be part of the vacancies that the Public Administration Department has announced and will announce. We have 102 existing employees who will have two years of time to complete their master level, as required by their jobs”, Albana Kociu declared.
The Director also explains the selection mechanism of the winning candidates.
“The evaluation will be done by a special committee established 24 hours before the competition procedure. A novelty of this law is the fact that the list of winners will be administered by the Public Administration Department. The winners will be invited to chose the vacancies for which they apply, different from the past procedures, when the winners were chosen by the directors of the institutions. From now on it will be administered by the Public Administration Department”, Kociu confirmed.
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