Protests in medicine

17/11/2011 18:10

The recent government meeting changed the law on regulated professions, which has brought many medicine students to protest.

On the International Day of Students, they asked the government to review this decision and to respect their rights.

“We want to get paid during the internship period, as every colleague in the world. We want a clear system for the specialization competition criteria and quotas. We want clear and selective criteria for the students that come from private faculties, for not turning the Faculty of Medicine into an open gate to anyone”, declared one of the protesting students.

Another one added that they had been able to collect 2000 signatures, all with the purpose to not allow students to be left aside by the government.

“Mr. Minister, I remind you that the earliest age that we leave this university is 24. If you make a simple calculation, by adding all the problems provided by the laws of our country, which you modify time after time, with the internship, tests and quotas for specializations, we will leave this faculty not earlier than 33 years old”.

More than 2000 students have signed the petition for returning the 50% payment during internship and for setting criteria and standards for the specializations.

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