Protests in Macedonia

09/05/2012 20:00

The appeals for protests on social networks have raised concerns in Macedonia.

Albanians appeal big protests in all cities with Albanian residents for this Friday, while the Macedonians are warning a big demonstration against the Albanians this Saturday, in front of the government building.

President Djordje Ivanov declared that everyone has the right to protest, but they should be calm and without provocations. He said that everyone has the right to react about a case, but the courts are the only competent institution.

 Analyst Kim Mehmeti says that the Albanians of Macedonia are obliged to seek justice on the streets, due to the lack of justice. According to him, the Albanians are organizing protests because they have lost their trust in the institutions and their political representatives.

“I believe that the Albanian youth has understood that their religious belief is not what is being in danger here, but their being as Albanians, hence they should direct their revolt on this side”, Mehmeti declared.

The Interior Minister of Macedonia, Gordana Jankullovska, declared that the police is following the appeals for protest and that they will not allow the public order to be disrupted, regardless of the ethnicity or religious affiliation of the protesters.

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