Prosecutor General asks DP for evidence against Kajmaku, Balliu: They are in the system

03/09/2019 15:31

The former Democratic Party MP, Klevis Balliu, declared in a press release that the Prosecution General, Arta Marku, has asked the DP to file the documents which would prove the accusations of the opposition in regards of Agim Kajmaku, the Mayor of Vora, after the June 30th elections.

The DP accused Kajmaku of having been sentenced in Greece under another name, for using forged currency.

Balliu said that Kajmaku is being protected by PM Edi Rama, who, according the DP, is the symbol of the criminal model that is governing Albania.

The former MP added that the evidence for Kajmaku’s criminal involvement in Greece are in the system and not disputable.

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