The Durres Prosecution has started its investigations for three judges
at the Court of Durres District, suspected of power abuse. The
investigation started after Prosecutors found a suspicious court verdict
on this case.
Mohammmed Abdullah Bavazeri, representative of “Saudi Brother Commercial Company”, and Zanmir Hasa, have confronted each other at court for years, up to the Supreme Court.
But while the trial at the Supreme Court was undergoing, the Durres Court has the Durres Property Registration Office to register Mohammed Abdullah Bavazer as owner and remove Zanmir Hasa from the title.
The Durres Prosecution suspects that the verdict of judges Dhurata Bilo, Vladimir Skenderi, and Ndue Gjura, has been taken against the law, since the Supreme Court had not finished the trial.
The Durres Prosecution also says that the verdict has no legal foundations, since no law foresees canceling the registration of a property title, or even canceling the deleting of a title.
The Prosecution says the violation is clear, since the Court has never expressed the law they used as reference. The Prosecution will notify the President and the Supreme Court of Justice for its changes.
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