Proposition for Council of Integration

03/09/2014 00:00

The political debates that are getting deeper between the government,
the President and the opposition have eclipsed the challenge of
integration after receiving the candidate status, which is the opening
of negotiations with the EU.

Top Channel has secured from the Parliamentary Commission of the European Commission a 10-pages draft-proposition for establishing the National Council of European Integration, sent by the Albanian Minister of Integration, Klajda Gjosha.

The document says that for making the reforming process more inclusive and stable, Albania will create an institutional mechanism in June with all interested parties.

This mechanism will be called the National Council for European Integration.

The main goal of this Council will be to give strategic instructions for the European integration process and increase the cooperation between the political parties, the state institutions and the civil society in the European integration process.

This institution will become the highest advising structure in the European Integration area. Keeping in mind the background of the Albanian politics, the Council needs to offer a clear and stable path towards the EU, despite the political differences in government and Parliament.

In this document, the Minister of Integration, Klajda Gjoshaj, listed 14 specific objectives that the council should realize.

And that is guaranteeing constant discussion for the European integration policies, implemented by the government institutions, with the civil society and other interested parties, and reinforce and promote the cooperation between the political forces, the state and independent institutions and of the civil society in the integration process.

The National Integration Council will start by the end of September 2014, after it will be approved by the government.

The Council will gather twice a year to discuss and approve the result that comes from the European Union agenda.

The Council will have the participation of the Prime Minister, Parliamentary Group leaders and representatives from the Presidential cabinet, academics, religious communities, business, civil society and the media.

Minister Gjosha suggests that this Committee should be led by the Chairwoman of the Integration Commission, the Democratic Party MP, Majlinda Bregu, and her counterpart in the next commission, Arta Dade.

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