Professors propose smaller administration, higher salaries

24/10/2016 00:00

“Pact for reforming” is the title of a platform with 10 ideas which was
drafted by a group of professors fro the Tirana European University.
According to them, the document invites academics and political elite to
find a national consensus for building a modern state with developed

Selami Xhepa says that the platform proposes a 10-year program of non-populist reforms which would take Albania’s first steps as a developed country.

“We have identified some of the most important areas in political, economic and social reforms, which we think need to be discussed not only among academics, but we have also invited the political elite, decision makers, to build some kind of consensus that goes beyond political preferences and ideologies”, Xhepa says.

The pact says that “The new Albania” starts by reforming the administration.

“The public administration should be smaller and with higher salaries, and this would make ours similar to that of other countries, as regards salaries”, Xhepa says.

“To achieve this, we need the economy to grow quickly. Our purpose through this pact is to increase discussions on what the Albanian economy should do”, said Luljeta Minxhozi, vice rector of the European University of Tirana.

The platform is not limited only with economy, but it also proposes constitutional reforms.

“This could include the creation of a second Parliament House. Albania needs stability of policies, and more qualitative policies that is often realized by second houses”, Minxhozi declared.

In parallel, the document proposes to legalize lobbying, reforming the social scheme and reforming the regulatory system and empowering competition.

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