All leaders of higher education institutions gathered this Wednesday at
the Parliament to select representatives from the pedagogic troop, who
will be part of the new judiciary institutions: the High Council of
Judiciary and High Council of Prosecution.
In this case as well, the number of applicants was on the same level with the number of candidates.
Sokol Caushi, Director of the Magistrature School, said that the law was made thinking that any education institution should bring three candidates, and today they had 40 candidates in total, from which they will chose not less than 6 and not more than 10.
There are 11 candidatures on the list, some of whom run for both institutions. Sokol Caushi said that this poses no problem, since the Parliament is the one who decides for them.
Their duty is to analyze the applications and send them to fill the vacancies in these judiciary institutions.
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