Albania detainees will be tested for HIV AIDS or other sexually transmittable diseases.
One woman from the Tirana Prison was the first to get the tests done.
“I am convicted for murder. I haven’t had contacts in the recent years, but I did it to know my health situation”, the prisoner says.
So far there have been prisoners infected with HIVAIDS, but according to the data, they are smaller in numbers and they have been infected in the prisons outside Albania. However, specialists say that even prisoners are at risk and could be a source of epidemics of Hepatitis B, C or even HIV/AIDS.
The prison authorities valued this initiative, since before it was more difficult for a prisoner to ask such a procedure. Now the center built within the prison makes it easier.
This will make it possible dividing infected prisoners from others. The project supported by UNFPA is being first realized in the women prison, at the Ali Demi area, and in Vaqarr, Tirana.
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