The government will not tolerate any illegal construction. Whoever will build illegally will be sentenced to prison.
For this they proposed the amend of the criminal code, with one year of prison for whoever builds illegally or without a permit on his own land, and eight years for whoever builds on another land, public or private.
The same criminal code amend is foreseen for whoever become part of illegal building. The criminal code amends are in function of the new role that the Construction Inspectorate will have.
Some legal amends not only place it under the Ministry of Interior, but give it the role of protecting the territory from illegal constructions. This gives them the new name “Inspectorate for the Construction and Protection of Territory”, and the right to sue everyone who violates the law.
The law amends passed only in principle by the majority, but based on the first discussions, the government draft might change since some of the Socialist members of the Commission find that the proposition has many legal gaps and is not in accordance with the legal mission of the police, and that it narrows down the activity of the inspectorate for checking the building quality.
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