Priorities and minorities, Kotzias: “Report in Brussels for minorities”

15/11/2016 00:00

Nikos Kotzias declared today that today’s informal summit of 28 EU
Foreign Ministers discussed about Euroatlantic cooperation objectives
and also for Balkan countries, referring to some matters created with
Albania and the region in general.

When asked if Athens supports the position of Netherlands, for Albania to open the association negotiations with the EU, Kotzias said that Albania needs to fulfill all five conditions and not only one, the justice reform.

Kotzias met with his Albanian counterpart in Brussels and made a general evaluation of the current matters.

“We discussed that tones need to be lower, normalize our relations and start the processes”, Kotizas said, confirming that the EU report doesn’t say if Albania may have a specific for the negotiations within 2016.

The Greek Minister answered to the accusations of the former Foreign Minister, Dora Bakojanis, who said that the lack of critics against Albania in the report are a loss for the Greek diplomacy.

Kotzias declared that the conservatory opposition must see that the Tsipras government has sent full and concrete reports to the EU as regards the rights of Greek minorities in Albania.

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