The first floor of the Prime Minister’s office is undergoing a total
reconstruction which aims to make it accessible to the public and
preserve the historic original details used by Italian architects.
The floor will have three multi-functional sections, all accessible to the public seven days a week. Falma Fsazi, Director of the Communication and Research Department, says that Albanian, Balkan and foreign artists will have their space for art and critic opinions. The Protocol Hall will preserve its purpose for receiving delegations, Prime Minister and Presidents who meet with their Albanian counterpart.
Fshazi says that another space will be dedicated to the digital archive of the Prime Minister’s Office, with old documents and pictures since 1914 which are being digitalized for the public and scholars.
The Prime Minister’s office will also have a new library, which will serve to the Prime Minister’s employees but also to scholars, offering also books about the public politics of the EU and sources that can rarely be found in Albania, according to Fatma Fshazi.
She added that the restructuring is being done without any budget cost, but entirely from sponsors, such as international institutions and private companies. This space will have also modern art pieces from artists who will donate them to Albania.
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