Prime Minister announces oil discovery in Shpirag: The benefits, part of the sovereign fund

22/08/2023 16:21

Prime Minister Edi Rama announced the discovery of oil in the wells drilled in Shpirag of Berat in central Albania, which according to him are an extraordinary wealth of the country’s underground that are expected to turn into benefits through what is known as the ‘mineral rent’.

A few months ago, the head of the Albanian government declared that he would give great news.

And apparently, this news is related precisely to the developments that come from oil drilling in Shpirag.

“Today in Shpirag, an important discovery carried out 6.1 km deep in the oil-bearing soil, carries the great promise of extracting a significant wealth for Albania and the Albanians, but also the challenge of the final technical test of pressure stability of gas and oil, up to the surface of the earth”, – says Rama.

He added that the material goods, translated into millions of dollars per year, will be managed maximally for the benefit of the Albanians.

“At the end of this year, we will learn this, while we are working in parallel on the project of the Sovereign Fund, with which this great national wealth will be administered,” Rama added.

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