President’s and PM’s messages to Albania

31/12/2011 13:00

The Albanian President, Bamir Topi, addressed a speech to all Albanians
throughout the world, in which he expressed his wishes for the New Year,
which is also the 100th year of independence, and his thoughts for the
one that we left behind.

The President wished that 2012 could find the Albanians happier and wealthier, and underlined our country’s need to not delay the democratization process any more. He added that it is a privilege for him to share with the Albanian citizens the wishes for the New Year and the thoughts for what we left behind.

Here is the full speech:

Dear compatriots,

Dear Albanian brothers and sisters, wherever you are, in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and all over the world.

With a very special feeling, I want to share with you today my warmest wishes for this traditional celebration of the New Year.

Together with this wish, I have the greatest privilege to share with you, my fellow Albanians, my thoughts for what we are leaving behind and my wishes for the upcoming year.

I wish to all Albanians, their families, the senior citizens and youngest children, more happiness, more warmth, more respect, more faith for progressing together towards a wealthier and calmer 2012.

In these special moments of our lives, my thoughts go to all those people who are not with us today, but whose absence gives us more responsibility for a better future for our children. With the greatest respect and gratitude, I invite all of you to share our wishes with the military men who are far away from their families for keeping the Albanian flag high, in their mission for peace and democracy as a dignified NATO member.

My wish goes to all Albanian citizens: all generations, all children, all the young people, the mothers, the parents, and those who today, more than ever, open their heart for sharing a sincere wish: a happy New Year 2012. My special wish today is to stand close to the people who need to not feel alone, or who are unable to celebrate. Close to the people who are unjustly in the need for a family, children, parents, a better life and a clearer future.

2012, my dear fellow Albanians, is the most beautiful historical year. The 100th anniversary of Albania’s Independence makes us proud and responsible. My wish for the Independence Year is a deep reflection for all obligations that we must fulfill for building a strong, democratic and righteous Albania, as we deserve.

2012 is the year of great responsibilities. Same as me, all Albanians wish today for the Albanians to turn into a society that is led by values and virtues, in an environment where the citizen can feel free and equal, in a space where democracy and the law have the significance that the present and the future requires. For 2012, all Albanians wish, same as me, that the achievements reached so far with our EU integration process would encourage us to face the major challenge and obligation for the EU candidate status, and for starting with the further membership steps.

The history of the Albanian people expects more from everyone during 2012. Albania, dear brothers and sisters, should not have delays for the democratization process. The deteriorated political situation and its negative consequences in the country’s integration demand a deep analysis. Let it remain a bad memory of the year that we’re leaving behind. The country’s progress and the improvement of the citizens’ life should not feel threatened in the 100th anniversary of independence.

The new upcoming year is our year, my dear Albanian brothers and sisters.

Only by working together, the 100th anniversary of independence will make us feel proud for the present and our future. Only by remaining united in our goal, we will be able to secure to the Albanian citizens a better life and a safer future. Only by joining our energies around the inherited values of the people who laid the very first foundations of the Albanian state, we will be able to celebrate a glorious 100th anniversary of independence. Only by staying close to each other we will be able to feel and experience that our strength for progressing is much bigger than any other temptation. I have faith in you and your strength, dear citizens. I trust in you.

I wish you a happy New Year! Long live Albania and the Albanian people! Long live the 100th anniversary of independence.

Berisha’s message to Albanians

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, wished a happy New Year to all Albanians.

In his message, Berisha declared:

“Before the clock marks the change of the years, I, as a family man and a friend, as citizen and Prime Minister, would like to be close to you, to share with you the joy of this night and join my message, that of my family and my government, together with the other messages that you receive today through greeting cards, letters, SMS, Facebook or Twitter. I wish to all Albanians and the people you love a happy New Year 2012, the year of our flag. Let the 100th anniversary of the Albanian independence bring more joy, health, happiness and success to each of you, to every Albanian family wherever you celebrate today, in your houses, in restaurants, with your friends, inside or outside the country, in diplomatic missions, peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan, Bosnia and anywhere else; wherever you might be, in travels, hospitals or detention institutions. Happy New Year to all of you”, Berisha declared.

The Prime Minister remembered on this day also the people that are suffering through physical and spiritual pain, poverty, illnesses or the loss of their dears.

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