The Socialist Party declared that their proposition for rejecting two
Presidential Decrees for appointing two Supreme Court members has
nothing to do with any stance of the majority against the President.
The ruling party says that the candidates (President of the Durres Court of Appeal, Petrit Ceno, and the President of the Court of Appeal of Serious Crimes, Gjovalin Peca), have more than 20 years in their career, but no experience in the administrative right.
Noting that both vacancies are related to the Administrative Court, the Socialist Party Parliament Member, Armando Subashi, defended the theory that the President had the legal obligation to chose candidates who were experienced in this area.
“The fact that the new candidates were decreed on November 23rd, three weeks after the creation of the Administrative College, should have served as an incentive for the President to identify that besides the legal obligation and the concrete situation of the Supreme Court Administrative College, the criteria of having experience in the specific area of administrative disagreements should have been dominating”, Subashi declared.
The Democratic Party says that the 12-pages relation of Parliament Member Subashi are legally worthless, since the President has fulfilled every legal and constitutional criteria. The Democratic Party is convinced that the decision to reject the President’s decrees is an open effort of the government to pressure the President and affect the judiciary.
“This is a political decision, because you make it clear even in the end of the relation that you have no intention to approve any of the candidates that will be brought by the President. You will not do it because you want judges that you can control. You want the president to have no competence”, declared the Democratic Party Parliament Member, Edi Paloka.
The meeting of the Commission of Laws did not go without political surprises. The Socialist Movement for Integration Parliament Member, Spartak Braho, rejected the stance of the Socialist Party, who said that the candidates for the president do not fulfill the criteria. By speaking with positive notes about the judges, Braho underlined that this was his personal stance.
“Based on this recognition, I don’t think that they don’t have the experience for working and for being better members of the Supreme Court”, Braho declared.
But Mr.Braho and none of the other Socialist Movement for Integration Parliament Members have refused to comment the stance held by the Socialist Movement for Integration on this case.
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