President Topi: Serbia to accept reality

30/06/2011 13:05

The summit with the Presidents of the member states of the South East
European Cooperation Process (SEECP) was held today in St. Stefan,

Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga was not invited in this summit. Albanian President Bamir Topi declared that any refusal towards the new state of Kosovo, especially for joint regional initiatives, damages the cooperating principles.

Serbia will take over the SEECP presidency for this term, and Albanian President Topi gave a special message to his Serbian homologue, Tadic, saying that Albania encourages the dialogue that has started between Prishtina and Belgrade.

Topi also added that Albania hopes that the new realities in the region will be accepted through this dialogue, and that every other idea or theory about Kosovo division remains unacceptable and a destabilization source for the entire region.

The head of the Albanian state gave his special wishes to the Croatian President, Ivo Josipovic, for the assignment of the date when Croatia will officially become an EU member.

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