President Thaci insists for Albanian passports to Kosovo citizens

20/10/2017 03:30

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, insists with his request to give Kosovo citizens Albanian passports.

A few days ago, the Albanian President, Ilir Meta, said this is not a solution to the free movement issue, but Thaci declared for Deutsche Welle that this is a solution in a national scale.

“After the isolation that EU has done to the citizens of Kosovo, after closing every hope for them to move freely in the Schengen area, we need to try and resolve this problem in a national scale, for as much as we can”, Thaci said.

The President of Kosovo underlined that this is not pressure against the Albanian state, but a legal request that Albania must realize as a constitutional obligation, and Kosovo Albanians must earn it as their right.

“My request is legal and constitutional, respecting the Constitution of Kosovo and by also requesting Albania to realize their constitutional and legal obligations. This is not pressure to Albania, but a necessity, a noble and humane request”, Thaci declared.

The visa liberalization process for Kosovo citizens has been blocked due to disagreements with the border demarcation with Montenegro, which has recognized Kosovo’s independence.

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