It is official: the fight between the President and the majority is
open. As never before, the President has returned three important laws
within one day.
The first law was for the “organization and functionality of the Administrative Court and the judging of administrative disagreements”, arguing that “the legal amends of this law fall against articles 7 and 145 of the Constitution, with the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, and violate the constitutional principle of the rule of law”.
Another law rejected by Nishani was the one “For the organization and functionality of the High Council of Justice”, a law that the governing majority sees as very important in a time when the HCJ has turned into a defender of corruptive cases, such as that of judge Gjin Gjoni.
President Nishani says in his decree that the law “limits the competence of the President as Chairman of the High Council of Justice to propose as vice chairman any member of this Council, and deprives the members of the right given by the constitution, to be proposed as vice chairmen of the HCJ”. The President argues that the legal amends go beyond the Constitutional predictions by damaging the principle of division and balancing of powers, and the principle of hierarchy of norms.
The third law returned with the signature of President Nishani is that for the State Police. The President says that this law has an additional of the mission of the State Police activity, specifically, that of guarding high state personalities and buildings of special importance.
As for what has been called a novelty of this law, the National Bureau of Investigation, the President argued that we are dealing with a structure that creates parallelisms in competences and contradictions with the activity of the Prosecution and the Judiciary Police, for which there is a law that defines it well.
The three decrees of the President are a clear opposition to the reforms that the government wants to implement. This puts President Bujar Nishani in a clear course against the majority, which the Prime Minister called a few days ago as a clear opposition of the vote of 1 million Albanians. The President declared that intimidation will not make him withdraw.
Prime Minister Rama reacted immediately and declared on Twitter: “The President returns the Law for the Police and lists the pseudo-arguments of the Democratic Party for a law completed with the help of international partners. Sad. But the reform will not stop. The Parliament will pass the law once again, and the pseudo-arguments of the DP have no value.
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