President proposes Donators’ Conference for Balkan Projects in Montenegro

08/06/2015 00:00

The Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, was part of the Brdo-Brijuni
Process meeting in Budva, Montenegro. Nishani proposed the organization
of a conference of donators with Balkan countries to present unanimously
the projects they have agreed on.

“In the declaration of the past year, I believe that we have underlined the necessity of a stable economic development. We have also agreed that to achieve this objective, it is necessary to connect the infrastructures of our countries.

Only a well connected region, with railways, roads and energy, would make our markets more attractive, our economies more dynamic, and more tied to the EU. Being grateful to the huge financial support that the EU has given through the years for our region, I think it would be good to propose together the organization of an European level conference of donators, to present unanimously the projects agreed on”, Nishani declared.

In this meeting were present the President of Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, the hosting Montenegro, and thethree Head od Presidency of Bosnia Herzegovina, Ivanic, Covic and Izetbegovic.

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