President: Presheva Valley Albanians to be united

26/10/2011 00:00

The Albanian President, Bamir Topi, declared that he is closely
following the developments in the Presheva Valley. He underlined
the significance of treating the Albanian community in full accordance
with the international democratic standards. He expressed his unwavering
support to the Albanians’ basic rights in the region and their
involvement as equal citizens in the political, social and institutional
life of Serbia.

During a meeting with the head of the Bujanovci Commune, Jonuz Musliu, and the head of the Presheva Commune, Ragmi Mustafa, Topi underlined that it is on the interest of all Presheva, Mujanovci and Medvjegja citizens to create a healthy and safe environment.

Topi also appealed the Albanian political factor in the country to preserve calmness and unity and avoid irritations and political clashes.

“It is very important for the Albanians to express their views through one single voice and to hold one position”, Topi declared.

The heads of the Bujanovci and Presheva communes, Jonuz Musliu and Ragmi Mustafa, praised the role of President Topi and his constant efforts for increasing the international recognition of Kosovo’s independence. They expressed their deep gratitude for this important meeting and for his personal and institutional contribution in the entire process.

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