President Ilir Meta said today in a press statement that despite the impeachement lawsuit from the majority, he will not leave the Presidency before July 24.
Meta today signed a lawsuit against the Assembly for falsifying evidence in the appeal for his dismissal at the Constitutional Court and.
“Today I have signed the lawsiut against the responsible structures and officials of the Assembly with the accusation of Falsification of documents. The criminal report will be filed in the Prosecutor’s Office and in the special prosecutor’s office SPAK “, said Meta.
The President added that he will punish all those who threaten the Constitution and public order.
“When the constitutional order in the Republic of Albania is threatened, when a conflict like the ones we have seen is provoked, of course the president will be one with the constitution, the public interest and the citizens. Let those who thought that in a mafia way they could bury the de facto pluralism in Albania, be they local or international, may they forget it once and for all. ”
“They will be punished endlessly, and they will get the deserved answer. I am Ilir Meta, I tell them, you idiots “, said Meta, among other things.
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