President Nishani on Top Story: “I may run again for President. General Bazo broke laws”

28/11/2016 00:00

The President of Albania, Bujar Nishani, was invited this Monday on Top
Story. He said he will run for a second mandate, but he would not be
part of political games.

Nishani explained why he didn’t decree General Jeronim Bazo, General Chief of the Albanian Army.

“The General Chief of Staff is first adviser of the President for military matters, and, as such, he has to inform and advise the President for every matter related to the Armed Forces, and he has never done this. He has also violated the law by putting some army properties out of the army’s inventory”.

As for his idea to run for President, Nishani says:
“If there will be a decent race and if I will receive support from a certain group of Parliament Members, I will certainly run for a second mandate. If there will be just a political farce, I will never be part of it.”

Journalist Sokol Balla: “What will you do, if you are not president?”

President Nishani: “I will not run for public posts, but no one can exclude me from political life as an individual who wants to contribute for his country. I’m not in the age of retirement.”
Journalist Sokol Balla: Will you be in politics?

President Nishani: “Maybe in politics, maybe with civil associations which are separate from political parties but they still serve to politics”.

The President commented about Donald Trump’s election as President, saying that nothing will change with America’s stance towards Albania. The President also spoke about Rama’s declaration against Trump.

“It would have been better without that declaration. However, it’s not dramatic. It does not reflect negativity or hate towards the individual, let alone a huge friend like the USA and their President”.

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