President Nishani: Isis, a global threat

26/09/2014 00:00

President Bujar Nishani declared at the 69th session of the UN that
Albania is committed for an effective and coherent UN, for the goal of a
multi-dimensional system.

Nishani said that it is difficult to find the right words to describe the situation in Syria.

“After more than three years of fatal fights, it has become very difficult to live in that country. They are facing horrible acts. More than 170.000 people have died, millions have turned to refugees, and many parts of the country have turned into ruins. Albania has united its voice with the initiative of 60 UN countries tor efer the Syrian situation to the International Court of Crimes. Unfortunately, as it happened with other initiatives, this effort was blocked by a veto in the Council”, Nishani declared.

“Terrorism remains the main threat for international peace and safety, together with the fight against terrorism”, Nishani declared.

“We are aware that this global threat can be addressed only through collective actions. Albania condemns the terrorist acts committed by the terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, including and especially by ISIS. Being aware that terrorism is that threat that knows no borders, a threat for the countries, regions and the human principles, Albania has joined the international coalition to stop and destroy ISIS”, the President declared.

“The progress of Kosovo is a new atmosphere in the region, and the need for the entire region to progress has laid the path to successful talks between Kosovo and Serbia, with the intermediation of the EU”, nishani added.

“Kosovo has been recognized by 108 UN members, much more than half of the UN. The recognition has been a serious act in the progress of Kosovo. This is the reason why we appeal the other countries to recognize Kosovo, because this way they would help their people progress to the future, and would contribute for peace and stability in the region”, Nishani declared.

As for the developments in Macedonia, President Nishani declared: “We are convinced that a quick and complete implementation of the Ochrid Agreement is a condition for the stability of Macedonia. Albania encourages duialogue between Belgrade and the Presheva Albanians for promoting their rights based on the international standards”.

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