President: missing tolerance

16/11/2011 19:50

“Good evening, friends of tolerance”. These were the words that the
Albanian President used for greeting the guests of an activity dedicated
to the International Day of Tolerance.

After evaluating the positive reports that the Albanians have with tolerance in the years, the Head of the Albanian State expressed his concern for the missing tolerance that has turned into conflict not only in politics.

“We often receive concerning reports related with the individual and collective human rights. Such are the cases of violence and crime in families, schools, police offices; corruption, denial of public rights, any kind of lack of transparency, property conflicts or regional and social prejudices”, Topi declared.

“We cannot ignore the fact that there is a high level of political conflict, lack of institutional dialogue and denigrating rhetoric that draws attention from the real concerns of the citizens. We have often seen political individuals and institutions who have the obligation to be tolerant and transparent representatives, to act differently by damaging with their behavior not only the individual interests of the citizens, but also of the country”, he underlined.

Since 1996, 16 November was declared as the Day of International Tolerance, for which a group of organizations from the civil society organized this activity at the Academy of Arts.

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